
〇跟踪意识月 跟踪是一种危险的犯罪,影响到6.600万美国成年人在一年内死亡. The better we understand the facts about stalking, the more we can do to stop it.

这就是为什么跟踪资源中心, 国家犯罪受害者中心, 以及暴力侵害妇女问题办公室, U.S. Department of Justice, launched National Stalking Awareness Month in 2004. 从那以后的每年一月, communities across the country have focused on stalking - holding events, 共享信息, 建立对犯罪的认识.


饮食失调认知周, a week when eating disorder illnesses draw greater attention via the efforts of individuals like YOU! 通过有意的活动, conversations and events we can all help create an environment that redefines outdated thinking, 减少与体重相关的耻辱感, 体型, 或大小, and inspires someone to reconsider an unhealthy attitude or behavior.




妇女历史月 had its origins as a national celebration in 1981 when Congress passed Pub. L. 97-28 which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning 3月 7, 1982年的“妇女历史周”.“在接下来的五年里, Congress continued to pass joint resolutions designating a week in 3月 as "女性的 历史 Week." In 1987 after being petitioned by the National 女性的 历史 Project, Congress passed Pub. L. 100-9 which designated the month of 3月 1987 as "妇女历史月.“1988年到1994年, Congress passed additional resolutions requesting and authorizing the President to proclaim 3月 of each year as 妇女历史月. 自1995年以来, 克林顿总统, Bush and Obama have issued a series of annual proclamations designating the month of 3月 as "妇女历史月."


同工同酬日 was originated by the National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE) in 1996 as a public awareness event to illustrate the gap between men's and women's w年龄s.


性侵犯意识月(阿姆) - The goal of 阿姆 is to raise public awareness about 性ual violence and to educate communities and individuals on how to prevent 性ual violence.

By working together and pooling our resources during the month of 4月, 我们可以强调性暴力是一个重大的公共卫生问题, human rights and social justice issue and reinforce the need for prevention efforts.


精神健康宣传月 -每年我们都在与污名作斗争, 提供支持, educate the public and advocate for policies that support people with mental illness and their families.


妇女平等日 -应众议员的要求. 贝拉·艾布扎格(纽约州民主党),1971年美国总统候选人.S. 国会将8月26日定为“妇女平等日”."

The date was selected to commemorate the 1920 pass年龄 of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, 给予妇女投票权. 这是一场大规模, peaceful civil rights movement by women that had its formal beginnings in 1848 at the world's first women's rights convention, 在塞内卡瀑布, 纽约.

The observance of 妇女平等日 not only commemorates the pass年龄 of the 19th Amendment, but also calls attention to women's continuing efforts toward full equality. 工作场所, 库, 组织, and public facilities now participate with 妇女平等日 programs, 显示, 视频放映, 或者其他活动.


全国校园安全意识月 - Take part on 9月 25, recognized as the official Day of Action on campuses. 鼓励学生、教师和工作人员制定PACT:

  • 我知道性侵犯随时都可能发生在任何人身上.
  • 我相信我们可以通过教育结束性侵犯.
  • 在任何性行为之前,我都要确保对方的同意.
  • I will take action if I see a situation that could lead to 性ual assault.
  • 我承诺更多地了解和促进《最靠谱的网赌软件》.


妇女节 -总是在九月的第三个星期日举行.

  • 促进妇女之间的友谊
  • Hold and/or attend a breakfast, luncheon, or dinner with a women's group
  • 拜访你的女性朋友
  • If any of your friends are out of town, send an Ecard or make a call to them
  • 花时间和特别的朋友在一起.
  • 提高妇女在社会中的价值


家庭暴力宣传月- 从10月的第一个团结日演变而来, 1981年由全国反家庭暴力联盟发起. The intent was to connect battered womens advocates across the nation who were working to end violence against women and their children. The Day of Unity soon became a special week when a range of activities were conducted at the local, 状态, 国家层面.

身体包容周(爱你的身体) - the beauty industry (and the media in general) tell women and girls that being admired, envied and desired based on their looks is a primary function of true womanhood. The beauty template women are expected to follow is extremely narrow, 不切实际的,而且常常对他们的健康有害. The Love Your Body campaign challenges the mess年龄 that a woman's value is best measured through her willingness and ability to embody current beauty standards.


印第安人传统月 - National Native American Herit年龄 Day is observed next on Friday, 11月 25th, 2022. 自2008年以来,感恩节被定在感恩节后的第二天.

国际男人节 - 国际男人节 is for celebrating men and the contributions they make to society.

  • To highlight the importance of male role models—not just popular figures, 但是普通的工人阶级.
  • To celebrate the positive roles of men in communities, families, relationships, and childcare.
  • 关注男人和男孩的健康.
  • To highlight discrimination faced by men, such as social attitudes and expectations.
  • To improve 性别 relations across the world, and to promote 性别 equality.
  • To create a safer, better world where people can reach their full potential.


世界人权月 - 12月10日, 人权日, is a global holiday that marks the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations in 1948. 《最靠谱的网赌软件》第一条指出,

“人人生而自由,在尊严和权利上平等." Sadly, many people around the world have not experienced this truth. 他们因种族而面临歧视和迫害, 国家的起源, 性, 性别, 宗教, 年龄, 语言, 或者其他状态."


世界艾滋病日 - Is held on 1 12月 each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. 世界艾滋病日 was the first ever global health day and the first one was held in 1988.
